Welcome to the taskmastr wiki!

We hope you enjoy using taskmastr as much as we've enjoyed building it.

The taskmastr way

taskmastr is designed to be fast. It's intended to be lightweight, not feature-rich, and to stay out of the way. The features included in taskmastr are always changing of course but from the very beginning we've taken a light hand when it comes to adding features and we've earnestly tried to make sure that the way we implement features increases ease of use rather than increase functionality at the expense of speed.

Whether you knew it at the time or not, you've probably tried the Getting Things Done philosophy at least once in your life thanks to a slew of apps out there that implement it (see Wikipedia). taskmastr is not Getting Things Done. In our opinion Getting Things Done and the apps that subscribe to it are too complex and weighty for everyday use. It's probably wonderful for larger, more complicated goals, but for small tasks it really takes the fun out of getting them done.

So taskmastr goes in the opposite direction in an attempt to get back to the basics. It's probably not for everyone but hopefully it works for most situations out there.